Todd Wyzynajtys - Wise-a-nite-tis
Caring leadership that Builds...
Caring leadership that Builds...
Todd Wyzynajtys
Durand, Michigan 48429
Phone: 989.277.xxxx
Caring Leader that Builds...
Dynamic IT Manager with in-depth and diversified experience focusing on infrastructure. Prioritizing uptime for business-critical applications.
Collaborative manager that utilizes servant leadership techniques to listen, mentor, set goals and guide project priorities. Considerate of each team member’s wellbeing, career, productivity, and individual development.
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude.
Baker College – Owosso, Michigan
Associate’s Degree in Data Processing / Programming.
ITIL Foundation, Certified April 2016
Leadership Shiawassee, Certificate, March 2014 – 9-month curriculum developing and enhancing the skills and knowledge necessary for today's leaders to meet the challenges of tomorrow's workplace and community.
Dart Container Leadership seminar, August 2017 – Ethics, collaboration, compensation, delegation
Delta Dental Leadership course, Certificate, May 2017
Comp TIA Network +, Certified October 2010
Comp TIA A+, Certified December 2011
Led a team of 6 engineers and techs to service the Dart international network comprised of 6,000 phone sets and 2,000 cell phones in a geographically disbursed office. All aspects of business class Cisco and Avaya call managers, Avaya Call center, Informacast, e911, servers and analog gateways. Carrier and ISP management including large scale SIP trunking, 10gb circuits, PRI and DS3, Wide Area MPLS circuits and audit and analysis of ISP invoices. Manage $3M+ budget. Manage and schedule both exempt and non-exempt employees, coordinate staff assignments, projects and services. Perform appraisals, employee development, career planning, hiring and termination of staff as necessary.
Delta Dental of Michigan – Network Services Supervisor 2016 to 2017
Led a team that design and supports the Delta Dental network at all layers utilizing 5 plus employees to carry out Delta's mission and growth. Includes Firewalls, Load Balancers, business class Avaya telephony, Avaya Call center, I3 Call Center servers and gateways, Carrier and ISP management including SIP and DS3 trunks, Local Area, Wide Area MPLS circuits, and Data Center networking including a disaster recovery site. Manage, schedule and coordinate staff assignments, projects and services and quickly respond to adversity and technological challenges as they arise. Utilized ITIL change management, service, and problem resolution processes. Remove barriers, provide support and create an environment so the engineers can perform at their best capacity.
Directs all aspects of the technical services help desk supporting 1300 users and 8000 node networks including all telephony both hardwire and cellular. All critical systems prioritized for uptime as a 24 x 7 patient care environment. Supervised a team of 4 help desk technicians and technically led 3 other Senior Network Analysts. Reported directly to the CIO and assists as necessary. Utilizes a $2.5M budget and work with the CIO in managing the operational and capital budgets. Excelled at vendor relationships and coordination.
Specializing in Network and Telecommunications, I designed, implemented and maintained the healthcare’s critical networks and life safety phone systems. Designed layer 1 cable plants up to the layer 3 routing. Supported the VMware environment for the primary Medical EMR Software (HCIS) .
Supported the computer labs, 24 x 7, at the main college building. Install and maintain all servers, workstations and student applications supporting the curriculum of Engineering students. Manage a team of 6 undergraduate and graduate students.